Norwegian Ophthalmological Association

Norwegian Ophthalmological Association

Gyro Conference ensures that the Norwegian Ophthalmological Association holds its autumn meeting every year at Soria Moria Hotel in Oslo.

About the project

Every autumn, Gyro Conference, led by project manager Heidi Myrseth, ensures that the Norwegian Ophthalmological Association has its autumn meeting with over 200 participants and 25 exhibitors at Soria Moria Hotel in Oslo.

Gyro Conference's tasks during the autumn meeting are to have the overall responsibility in connection with planning and implementation in collaboration with the Norwegian Ophthalmological Association. We prepare registration page, budget / accounts and operational implementation. In addition to evaluation of the project afterwards and performance measurement.

Keywords here are planning, organization and implementation.

Success for participant service is a combination of a well-adapted technical solution and a service-minded human apparatus. Together with the project coordinator, the project manager is responsible for ensuring that all registrations are handled in our event system and that our employees take care of each individual participant with a high level of service.

On this project we provided the following services:

  • Preparation of registration form for registration, with confirmation of receipt of registration received
  • Registration of participants, speakers, guests, exhibitor representatives etc
  • Follow-up of hotel agreement and cancellation deadlines
  • Preparation of roadmap and quality assurance
  • Payment functions via invoice
  • Reminders
  • Participant lists, total and according to desired categories
  • Name Badges
  • Exhibitor service
  • Coordination of production and printing of program booklet

Want to know more about the project? Or wondering how we can help you with your conference?

Contact project manager Heidi Myrseth.

Heidi Myrseth

Project Manager
(+47) 920 10 998